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AngularJS Installation


AngularJS is a popular JavaScript based MVC framework for developing any dynamic website. It is an open-source client-side framework. So, anyone can easily download and use this framework to develop any Single Page Application (SPA). If you are new for this framework and want to learn AngularJS to develop any web application, then you have to download and install this framework. How you can install AngularJS is shown in this tutorial.


  1. Download nodejs.
  2. Download angularjs based on your choice.
  3. Create a folder named angularjs for installation.
  4. Install nodejs under angularjs folder.
  5. Check nodejs is working or not.
  6. Install web server for angularjs.
  7. Create index.html in the root folder
  8. Run the server
  9. Open the file from the server

You can install angular 8 by the following tutorial link.

Angular 8 installation with bootstrap


The above steps are shown in the following video link.

***************Good Luck*********************


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