Many editors are available to write and execute Java applications. NetBeans is one of the popular editors to write and execute Java source code. The way to install and use the NetBeans application for creating a Java application has been shown in this tutorial.
01. If the JDK (Java Development Kit) is not installed before in the system then go to the following URL address and download the JDK installer file based on the configuration of your computer.
02. Run the JDK installer and complete the installation process.
03. Go to the following URL address and download the NetBeans installer file based on the configuration of your computer.
04. Run the NetBeans installer and complete the installation process.
05. The following dialog box will appear after running the NetBeans application for the first time.

06. Go to the File menu and click New Project… or press Ctrl+Shift+N to create a new project.
07. Select the Java Application from the Java with Ant category like the following image. Click on the Next button.

09. Now add the following line in the main() method to print “Hello World” in the console.
System.out.println(“Hello World”);

10. Press F6 to run the project,

You can create any Java application by following the above steps. You can check the following video to do the steps properly.